Deleting Notes and Improved Compatability

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 21, 2011

We've added some new features to TherapyNotes:

  • We've added the ability to delete notes. You can only delete notes you haven't signed. Once you sign a note, we have to keep it on file, but you can still edit it and make changes. You can also delete any changes you make to a signed note, reverting the note back to the last signed revision, as long as you haven't signed off on the changes.
  • Internet Explorer version 9 will be released soon, so we've updated TherapyNotes to make sure that the software will work correctly for IE9 users. Internet Explorer users will see a huge boost in TherapyNotes performance with IE9.
  • iPad and tablet users have had trouble scrolling in certain areas of our site, such as the calendar, which required a two-finger gesture to scroll. In addition, iPad initially hides the scrollbars on these areas, so it is difficult to tell that these areas are scrollable. We've improved these areas so that the scrollbars are always visible and the content can be scrolled using the standard one-finger gesture.

And, we've made some small improvements to existing features:

  • Performance improvements allow the calendar to be scrolled more smoothly.
  • To-Do List items that refer to an appointment now link to the appointment.
  • The warning regarding attempts to create duplicate patients now provides a link to the existing patient.
  • When you sync your calendar with another device, Daylight Saving Time dates will now display the correct time on all devices.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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