
Should I Accept EAPs in My Private Practice?

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP), also referred to as a wellness program, is designed...
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Negotiating a Lease for Your Group Practice
Negotiating a lease can feel like entering a lion’s den. Your role in the negotiations,...
Moving From Part-Time to Full-Time Private Practice
For me, one of the scariest moves that I ever made in my own private practice journey was...
Sharing an Office Space as a Therapist
In the 14 years that I’ve been in private practice, I have subleased or office-shared for...
When Your Practice Plateaus
Maybe you’re chugging along. The phone is ringing, you’re seeing clients, you’re...
5 Things You Need to Know About Leaving an Insurance Panel
The decision to leave an insurance panel (or all of them) is often one that creates a bit...
Saturated Therapy Market? Hooray!
Throughout my years in private practice consulting, not a week has gone by when I haven’t...
5 Ideas to Diversify Your Income in Private Practice
'Tis the season where the phones slow down. Summer has arrived, and clients tend to come...
Pros and Cons of Adding Provisionally-Licensed Therapists to Your Group Practice
Many group practice owners think about bringing on a therapist who isn't fully licensed...
A Guide to Employee Benefits for Your Group Practice
You’ve got employees you want to show your appreciation to and the profits to support it....

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