TherapyNotes™ 4.36: Improvements and Maintenance

By TherapyNotes, LLC on May 7, 2018
  • The referring provider or the supervisor's information will now be included on secondary paper claims on boxes 17 and 17b of the CMS-1500 form.
  • Time zone abbreviations have been added to appointments in TherapyPortal™ to ensure that appointment times are clear and explicit, especially for those patients who are in a different time zone than the practice. We will be adding these to text and email appointment reminders in an upcoming update.
  • A full lab environment has been implemented so that we can do load testing of future versions of TherapyNotes in a setup that more closely matches our production environment.
  • As always, many minor tweaks and bug fixes are a part of this update.

We're hard at work on many more portal features, 2FA, a new help system, an updated web site, and much more.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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