TherapyNotes™ 4.53: Discounted Solo Pricing, Patient Information Form Improvements, and More

By TherapyNotes, LLC on December 4, 2019

New Pricing for Solo Practices

Beginning later this month, eligible solo practices will automatically receive our discounted Solo subscription price of $49/month upon your next subscription renewal. Only accounts with a single user of any role are eligible for Solo pricing. Any standard, for-profit practice who changes the number of users on their account will automatically be charged the lowest applicable rate upon their next renewal.

Patient Information Form Customization and Improvements

We've updated the Patient Information Form so that you can now select what demographic information your patients are asked for when the form is shared on TherapyPortal™. Now, when previewing the Patient Information Form in the Library, Practice Administrators can choose to hide the fields for Preferred Name, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Race, Languages, Marital Status, and Employment. For more information, visit our help center and read Customize, Share, and Process the Patient Information Form.

Additionally, we've improved the process for reviewing portal submissions for the Patient Information Form so that the information you merge into the patient's chart is more clearly indicated. Now, the controls to merge information from the patient's submission to their chart are more obvious, and we've added a summary at the bottom of the page to show how many fields you haven't merged yet.

Additional Portal Document Sharing Improvements

If you've shared a document with a patient through the portal that requires the patient to upload a completed document in response, we now prevent the patient from uploading the exact file that was shared with them. This helps to ensure that the patient is uploading their completed document instead of a duplicate of the original document.

Additionally, when viewing a document that was shared with a patient, we've consolidated the information about the document's status and associated document request into the Document Information section so that it's easier to reference all administrative information pertaining to a document at a glance.

More Detailed Superbills

Superbills now include additional information about services rendered, including modifier codes, place of service codes, and all applicable diagnosis codes per service. Modifiers and place of service codes are new additions to superbills, and previously, only the primary diagnosis code per service was included. These additional details may help your out-of-network clients receive appropriate reimbursements for the provided services from payers.

Improved ERA Handling and Recommendations

When posting a payment for a service on an ERA whose Adjustments Amount is equal to the Charged Rate (a scenario that often indicates a payer's denial to pay for the services rendered), we now display an alert below the service that suggests to correct and resubmit the claim or edit the payment responsibility as recommended by the payer. While the software would previously recommend changes to payment responsibility as reflected on the ERA in these scenarios, we hope that this more explicit recommendation will allow billers to handle these denials more appropriately.

Additionally, we've added support for ERA that fail to include a service code. These ERA will now appear in TherapyNotes with "NOT PRESENT" in place of the service code and must be matched to an existing date of service in TherapyNotes in order for the associated payment to be recorded.

Maintenance and Other Improvements

As always, this release includes maintenance and improvements to help make your TherapyNotes™ experience even better. Here are some of the changes:

  • Text and voice appointment reminders are now sent approximately 28 hours in advance of a patient's appointment to provide patients with a more sufficient opportunity to cancel an appointment before a standard 24-hour cancellation policy. Previously, text and voice reminders were sent approximately 24 hours in advance. Email reminders will continue to be sent roughly 48 hours in advance.
  • We've made several changes behind-the-scenes to reduce unnecessary load on our database. You may notice improved performance when creating new notes for recent appointments on a patient's Documents tab or performing certain billing tasks.
  • When creating a Patient Aging report, the "Has Credit (Negative Balance)" and "Has Unassigned Credit" options in the Balance dropdown are now unavailable when creating a report for a specific clinician since credits are not associated with clinicians. This ensures that the results of your search always explicitly satisfy your search criteria.
  • When creating or editing an insurance payment, you may now set an end date (set, by default, to the date of the payment) for the items shown that are available for allocation. Previously, items from a specified start date in the past "until Today" were shown. This change helps to improve performance and provide you with the most relevant results by default.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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