Improved Patient Search, Scheduling Improvements, Patient Addresses in Export, and More!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on October 22, 2012

Today's update introduces the following improvements:

  • We have redesigned how patients are added to appointments with a faster and easier to use interface. Just start typing a name, and if you like the match just tab to the next field.
  • Patient search is now much faster and smarter. You can also now search for a patient by his or her initials.
  • On the calendar there's now a '+' icon to create a new appointment on the half hour mark.
  • For practices with multiple locations, Scheduled Events can now be assigned to "All Locations". For example, if you create a scheduled event to indicate the offices will be closed, you can make a single event to indicate all locations will be closed rather than one per office.
  • The patient spreadsheet export now includes patient address.
  • We changed how preauthorization numbers are sent in electronic claims when there is a preauthorization number for every line-item. This was added specifically for South Carolina Medicaid, but may help for other payers.
  • You can now specify a web address in the Practice Settings page. This will be used for future features such as patient appointment reminders. Be sure to add your practice's web address!
  • Other miscellaneous improvements, and bug fixes.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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