As with all maintenance releases, TherapyNotes® 2025.02 includes numerous system-wide improvements, including bug fixes, performance enhancements, and usability adjustments. This release also includes exciting new features that will be announced and enabled over the next two weeks. But until then, here are some noteworthy improvements in today’s release.
Enhancements to Secondary Insurance Electronic Claim Submission
We’ve received fantastic feedback on our new Secondary Insurance Electronic Claim Submission feature, and we are happy to introduce a few refinements in this release.
Claim Counter – The Submit Secondary Claims link in the Main Billing, Patient Billing, and Payer Billing tabs now displays a count of secondary claims ready for submission. This count is also now available on your To Do List, providing greater visibility into your pending actions.
Updated ‘Forwarded to Secondary' Status – When an ERA from the primary payer indicates that a claim has been forwarded to the secondary payer, the claim will automatically receive this status. This allows you to easily distinguish between claims that still require submission and those already forwarded.
Enhanced Search Filtering – You can now filter claims with the updated ‘Forwarded to Secondary’ status in the Search Billing Transactions report using the Status filter, helping you manage your claims more efficiently.
Secondary Medicaid Claims – We have addressed an issue where the selected Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) qualification type was not properly included on a submitted secondary claim. Any previously rejected secondary Medicare claims can now be resubmitted.
Middle Name and Suffix Fields for Staff Members
We’ve added optional middle name and suffix fields for staff members. These will be included on electronic claims, CMS-1500 claims when applicable, and will also be necessary for upcoming updates to ePrescribe.
* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.