What’s New: Practice Contacts & Outcome Measure Library Enhancements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 11, 2025

Practice Contact Management

We’re excited to introduce the new Practice Contacts feature, allowing you to create and maintain contact records at the practice level! With Practice Contacts, you can now create a single contact record, link it to multiple patients, and add notes specific to each patient-contact relationship.

For example, you can create the contact once instead of reentering the same Primary Care Physician for many patients. Some other use cases are your patients' psychiatrists, therapists, school counselors, or employers. Then, when viewing the provider's contact record, you can easily manage their details and view their associated patients, all from one place. 

To get started, navigate to the new Contacts page and click “New Contact,” or use the “Convert to Practice Contact” link on an existing patient contact to generate a Practice Contact record.



Outcome Measure Library Enhancements

Our Outcome Measures Library has been enhanced with multiple exciting updates to improve your workflow! When you view the library preview of any Outcome Measure, you'll notice that key actions are more accessible. The "Share on Portal" button has been moved to the top of the page to reduce scrolling, and a new "Administer Now" button has been added. Clinicians can use the “Administer Now” button to administer the selected Outcome Measure from the library without first having to navigate to the patient’s record.

Additionally, previews of Outcome Measures within the Library have been reorganized and improved, with information now categorized into three tabs:

  • The About tab includes details about the measure, its applicable age range, supported language and administration methods, staff access permissions, and its sharing status on the portal.

  • The Sample Assessment tab provides a full preview of the questions and response options, allowing clinicians to see the complete workflow of administering the measure.

  • The Sample Results tab displays an example of completed results for the measure.


* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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