Major Billing Performance Improvements and much more!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on September 22, 2013

Billing Improvements

  • Billing search is now significantly faster, especially for multi-clinician practices. This required a major overhaul of our billing software. This especially impacts practices with many clinicians.
  • Billing search now allows searching for undocumented appointments (A great way to follow up on staff who are behind on notes).
  • Billing search now allows filtering for insurance payments only.
  • Patient statements now show the totals for charges and paid amounts.
  • Hospitalization information in the patient's billing settings are now used on claims.
  • CMS forms can now be generated when billing as a supervisor even if the clinician doesn't have an NPI on file (supervisor's NPI was always used in this case anyway)
  • When billing to a responsible party the patient statement will now include the patient name as well.

Other improvements

  • Clinical admins now have the ability to delete notes. Currently only practice admins had this capability
  • While creating a patient you will now be warned if the patient already exists even before attempting to save the patient.
  • A supervised clinician can now create a progress note even before the treatment plan has been approved by their supervisor.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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