New File Download System, Billing Improvements, ERA Beta, And More!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on October 14, 2013

New File Download System

  • When downloading notes or billing statements the PDF or Excel file generation now happens in the background, allowing you to continue using other parts of TherapyNotes while these files are generated. In fact, you can even log off of TherapyNotes while it is generating a large file and it will be available for you when you log back in.
  • Downloaded files now have more useful file names to more easily distinguish them on your computer, including the type of file, the date generated, and the patient's initials if applicable.

Billing Improvements

  • Patient Statements now show the total charges and total paid on the bottom of the statement for the given date range. This only displayed if you use a date range, and not if you only show a statement of open items.
  • The Patient Billing tab now offers links for "Open Items" and "All Items" to quickly search for those items.
  • The revenue and write-off reports now include exactly the date range you specify even if that covers only a partial period. For example if you request a weekly breakdown of revenue for 1/1/13 to 12/31/13, the first and last weeks will just be partial weeks and not include revenue that was received outside of that date range.

ERA (Electronic Remittance Advice) Beta

  • Basic ERA features are now available for practices with a specific need, such as when working with insurance providers that offer no other options. More details are on the ERA page, which is a new option from the Billing page.

And More

  • When creating a patient the state will default to the practice's state. If your practice has locations in multiple states you will have quick access to those as well.
  • If you don't specify any interventions in a progress note, this section of the note will not display when viewed or printed. Previously it would say "Interventions: none specified."
  • Bug fixes and minor tweaks

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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