Revenue Report Updates, Scheduling Improvements, and more!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on November 10, 2013

In addition to squashing bugs and various minor tweaks here are the highlights of today's update:

Improved Revenue and Write-Off Report

  • Allows for searching by direct payment or by all in-network or all out-of-network items
  • Allows filtering by location for practices with multiple locations
  • Allows searching by direct payment type: credit card, cash, check (Revenue Report only)
  • Now includes money that was received but not allocated to a charge (Revenue Report only)
  • Replaces "no insurance" when grouping by payment method with cash, credit card, and check totals (Revenue Report only)

Scheduling Improvements

  • Smarter at determining if an appointment was canceled or missed based on missed appointment note
  • Better interface when entering longer descriptions for scheduled events
  • Warning if attempting to cancel a group session that has already had billing activity

Insurance Types are Configurable

  • Insurance types are now configurable for payer. For example if you are trying to submit a Medicare claim to a BCBS payer, you may need to change the insurance type to Medicare (or create a separate payer with the same payer id but alternate setting). This doesn't affect most practices but if you were having this problem you can now resolve it.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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