Note Review Features and Software Improvements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on March 30, 2011

We've added a new Clinical Administrator Note Review feature. If this feature is enabled, clinical administrators can review notes written by other clinicians. This is especially useful in educational environments or to supervise interns and new hires, but it is also useful for any practice manager wishing to review their staff's notes and assure they are kept up to proper standards.

We have also made the following improvements:

  • When searching for a patient, you'll see if there are patients with matching names not assigned to you.
  • Patient search results are cleaner with easier to use page numbers.
  • It's easier to select the patient as the person contacted on the contact note.
  • You can now delete a patient as long as he has no notes, even if you scheduled an appointment.
  • Calendar interface for iPads made faster by using local caching.
  • Patient file uploads now supported on Internet Explorer 9.
  • Fixed PDF versions of patient notes to avoid overlapped content in footers.
  • In the calendar entry, patient names link to full patient records instead of abbreviated information.
  • Various bug fixes have been implemented.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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