Numerous billing and other improvements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on August 19, 2013

We're excited about today's release. It includes a lot of billing improvements, the ability to delete notes under certain conditions, and various bug fixes and back end improvements.


  • We have added the ability for users to delete patient notes, if one of these circumstances is true:
    • If the note is in draft mode and the user has appropriate access (no change)
    • If the user is a practice admin, and is a clinical administrator or an assigned clinician for the patient


  • Added ability to select a responsible party for patient billing, such as a parent. Selected contact's name will appear on patient statements. Make this selection from the patient's Billing Settings or Patient Information tabs.
  • Added ability to enter a message to be printed on patient statements. Set a default message in the Patient Billing Settings page, and customize it when generating statements.
  • After submitting a claim you will be taken back to the page listing other items ready for submission so it's faster to create multiple claims.
  • Billing reports now show the amount insurance paid instead of how much they were billed if the rest was written off.
  • The write-off report breakdown will now show the amount insurance paid instead of how much they were billed, and pointing your arrow at the insurance and patient amounts will give a total of charges, payments, and write-off amount.
  • Appointment billing tab illustrates write-off amounts more clearly
  • Clicking a dollar amount on the Insurance Aging Report will now list only open insurance items for the payer


  • Updated user interface for creating practice-wide scheduled events to be less confusing


  • Added indicator on Patient Information tab detailing appointment reminder warnings, such as if patient opted out of reminders or an email bounced.
  • Added email icon next to patient contact email addresses

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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