Support for Service Code Units and More

By TherapyNotes, LLC on January 25, 2012

New Features

  • Some service codes for Psychological Evaluations require "units". For example, the service code may represent one hour of testing, so for a three hour evaluation you would need to enter "3" for the units on the CMS form. TherapyNotes now does this automatically. Please review and edit your service codes to adjust for this.
  • To-Do Lists now automatically refresh as items are added without refreshing the whole page. For example, if someone else at your practice cancels an appointment, your to-do item will disappear from your screen. If an appointment has occurred and it's now time to do the note, the action item will automatically appear.
  • Clicking a text field re-opens the suggestions pulldown even after making a previous selection, allowing you to quickly change a previous selection.
  • Removed warnings when generating CMS forms if the patient does not have a treatment start date or an account number on file. Start date is generally not required for mental health. If a practice account number is not provided, TherapyNotes will automatically use the insurance ID number.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed circumstance where a patient without an intake note would not be considered inactive even after a termination note was signed.
  • Fixed circumstance where not all patient billing settings were saved.
  • No longer incorrectly warns about duplicate check numbers when editing a payment.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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