TherapyNotes 4.11: Various Customer Requested Features

By TherapyNotes, LLC on April 13, 2016

Today's update includes over 70 improvements and bug fixes, including a number of features requested by practices. Here are the items you should be aware of:

  • Billing report exports to Excel now have patient's first name, last name, and birthdate in separate columns.
  • When printing a patient list from the Patients page all of the columns currentlybeing viewed will be included in the printout.
  • When exporting a patient list to Excel the "Relationship to Insured" field is now included as a column.
  • EPSDT is now supported on claims. From the Billing Settings tab select "Is EPSDT Referral" and all future electronic or paper claims for that patient will have a Y for this field.
  • Hmong was added as a language option for patients and staff members.
  • On an Intake Note's Current Mental Status section the "Normal" options have been changed for several of the fields. For "General Appearance" and "Thought Content" we replaced "Normal" with "Appropriate." For "Motor Activity", "Perception", and "Flow of Thoughts" we replaced "Normal" with "Unremarkable." These are the new values you will see when selecting "All Normal."
  • We have significantly improved the workflow to get enrolled with payers for electronic claims and ERA.

The feature to post a payment from an ERA is now in testing and is slated for version 4.12!

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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