TherapyNotes 4.12: ERA Payment Posting is Here!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on May 20, 2016

ERA Payment Posting

Upon receiving a payment from an insurance company it needs to be entered into TherapyNotes. It's already a simple task, but if a payment covers dozens of services it can be tedious, especially for large practices. An ERA (electronic remittance advice) is the communication we get back from the insurance company in response to a claim. It clarifies what services were paid for, for how much, reasons for partial payments, and so forth.TherapyNotes now has the most robust,easiest way to post an insurance payment based on the information provided in an ERA. After receiving a payment from the payer, go to the ERA page and click the "Post Payment" link for the corresponding ERA. This will automatically complete the form to post the insurance payment, asking for additional information if necessary. See the ERA Payment Posting Tutorial.

We have been offering ERAs for free because this new feature was not ready. Effective 7/1 there will be a 14 cent fee for each claim found on an ERA. We have now removed the "beta" label from all ERA features. In order to use this feature you must be enrolled to receive ERAs, which can be accomplished from each payer's page in TherapyNotes. See the ERA Enrollment Tutorial.

Notes Improvements

The Missed Appointment Note now includes the clinician and intended service, which is automatically pulled from the appointment. Also, the Termination note will now copy forward the most recent "Presenting Problem" from the most recent treatment plan if available, instead of only looking at the intake note.

New Clinician Types

When adding or editing users, there are 4 new psychotherapy clinician types: Behavior Analyst, Neuropsychologist, Occupational Therapist, and Substance Abuse Counselor. Please change your user accounts to these new options if applicable. This has no significant impact on any features of TherapyNotes, but will help us in the future.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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