TherapyNotes 4.13: Revenue Report Upgrade, Billing Page UI Improvements, and More

By TherapyNotes, LLC on June 8, 2016

We have made a major change to how the revenue report treats refunds. Refunds are now reported as negative revenue in the month they were posted instead of simply deducting from the revenue. Suppose you enter a patient payment in January for $100 and then enter a refund in February for $40. Previously, TherapyNotes would show this as a total of $60 for January. Now, the updated revenue report will show this as $100 revenue in January and -$40 in February, deducting from February's revenue.

The Billing pages have been redesigned to make them easier to use. Specifically, the links to the other pages are at the top of the page instead of on the right side.

In the appointment's Billing tab, we have renamed "Copay" to "Pt Amt", an abbreviation for patient amount. In this context this field means the total patient responsibility which may include the copay, deductible, or coinsurance. This is not a functional change in TherapyNotes, just a change to how this field is labeled.

At TherapyNotes we always prioritize quality of our service over quantity of features. This release also includes numerous performance improvements, bug fixes, and usability improvements.

Reminder: Effective 7/1, there will be a 14 cent fee for each claim found on an ERA. We are currently offering them for free. Our customers have told us they love the new ERA payment posting feature.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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