TherapyNotes 4.24: Enhanced Client Portal Security and ERA Viewer

By TherapyNotes, LLC on May 15, 2017
TherapyNotes 4.24 Enhanced Client Portal Security and ERA Viewer

Client Portal Updates

In anticipation of future updates to the client portal, we've expanded our client portal authentication procedures to improve the security of portal account access and help portal users stay aware of any suspicious activity on their accounts. Here are the changes:

  • New Device Login: When logging in to the portal from a new device, a client must enter the date of birth of any of the clients connected to the account in addition to their username and password to validate their identity. The client will receive an email notification whenever a new device is used to log in to their account.
  • Date of Birth Authentication: Clients with existing accounts will not be able to access the portal without having a valid date of birth entered in TherapyNotes.
  • Canceled Portal Invitation Alert: Currently, if there are too many failed attempts to verify the client's identity when creating a new portal account, the client's portal invitation will be canceled. Now, the client will also receive an email to notify them that their invitation has been canceled due to too many failed verification attempts and to contact your practice for assistance.

ERA Viewer Improvement

Claim Adjustment Codes: The ERA Viewer now displays the group code and reason code for each claim adjustment. This allows users to better understand claim adjustments even when a standard description of the adjustment is unknown or unavailable.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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