TherapyNotes 4.25: Improved Aging Reports and Password Rules

By TherapyNotes, LLC on June 15, 2017
TherapyNotes 4.25 Improved Password Rules and Security and Aging Reports

Aging Report Breakdown Updates

The columns that show the age of outstanding balances on aging reports have been updated to provide a more meaningful and relevant breakdown of balances. Here are the changes:

  • On the Patient Aging Report and Insurance Aging Report, the "over 60 Days" column has been split into 3 new columns: "61-90 Days," "91-120 Days," and "120+ Days."
  • On the Insurance Aging Report, the "Up to 2 Days" and "3 to 30 Days" columns have changed to "0-15 Days" and "16-30 Days," respectively.

Updated Password Rules and Security

In order to better protect your data, we've updated our password rules to help users create stronger, more secure passwords. Users will be required to create passwords that satisfy these updated requirements once their current password expires.

  • Passphrases Allowed: TherapyNotes passwords may now contain spaces, allowing users to create memorable passphrases to protect their account. However, passwords may not begin or end with a space.
  • Increased Minimum Password Length: Practice Administrators must set a minimum password length between 8 and 14 characters for their organization. We recommend a 10 character minimum for passwords.
  • Prohibit Consecutive Characters: Because consecutive characters decrease password strength, passwords may not contain three of the same letter, number, or symbol consecutively or two consecutive spaces.

For additional information on TherapyNotes' password requirements, read How To: Configure Password Settings on our Help Center.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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