TherapyNotes™ 4.44: New Demographics Options and Other Improvements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on January 13, 2019

Changes to Patients, Payers, and Staff Pages

  • New demographics options have been added to the Patient Info tab, including new fields for Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Race. Sex has been renamed “Birth Sex,” and Nickname has been renamed “Preferred Name.”
  • The language selection interface for patients and staff members has been redesigned. New language options have been added, and all new staff members and patients now default to English.
  • On a patient’s Billing Settings, point your arrow at the payer’s name for quick access to payer information.
  • Many visual and usability improvements have been made to various Staff, Payers, and Patients tabs.

Billing Improvements

  • When selecting items in the Revenue Report, there is a “Payments Leading to this Revenue” dialog. This dialog now offers the option to export the data to Excel.
  • Credit card notes are now editable and displayed when selecting a card. This makes it easier to distinguish multiple cards for the same patient, such as “Mom’s card” and “Dad’s card”.
  • Wherever credit cards are displayed, they are now shown in a cleaner format such as “Visa -1234" where 1234 represents the last 4 digits of the card.
  • A significant number of improvements have been made to our real time eligibility features, which are still in beta. If you want to be an early adopter for this feature, let us know.

We've also updated our support hours! If you didn’t see our post on Facebook, we are starting live phone support an hour earlier! You can now call us from 8AM to 9PM ET, Monday through Friday.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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