TherapyNotes 4.8: Major Billing Feature Enhancements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on January 25, 2016

Entering Insurance Payments

The following improvements to the screen for entering insurance payments are big steps towards our upcoming ERA auto-posting features.

  • You can now select from closed billable services, if for example the payer sends a revised payment or request to refund money for a prior service. Select "Any" from the pulldown menu to see these items.
  • A negative or zero dollar payment from the payer is now permitted, if the payer requests a refund or sends an ERA message regarding a previously paid claim.
  • An insurance payment can no longer have an unpaid balance if all of the items are not allocated. Instead there is a new "Non-Claim Payment Adjustments" section at the bottom of the insurance payment screen. Use this section to record if the payer pays you or assigns a penalty that is not directly linked to a particular billable service. Therefore starting with this version you will only see patient payments, never insurance payments, when searching for items with open (unapplied) balances.

Split Paper and External Billing

TherapyNotes allows claims to be handled electronically (EDI), on paper claims, and externally from TherapyNotes. We have replaced "Manual" with two separate options, "External" and "Paper". These options are now available as settings for your preferred submission method for payers, and as a per appointment setting. Your To Do list will now properly distinguish items pending paper claims or external claims submission. Items in the Billing search results that are pending external or paper claims submission now link directly to the appropriate page.

Billing Search Enhancements

The Billing search now allows searching by check number, a commonly requested feature. Further, you can now search by submission method. For example, you can find all appointments that were submitted on paper.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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