TherapyNotes 4.9: New ERA Viewer and Other Billing Upgrades

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 22, 2016

Billing Upgrades

  • We love our all-new interface for viewing ERAs and hope you will too! It is much easier to read and use. There are links to hide and show additional details that you usually don't need. This is the next big step towards our upcoming automated payment posting feature, for which we're making significant progress!
  • The Billing search has columns for the patient date of birth, the payer, and the network status (in- or out-of-network).You may need to use the "Select Columns" icon to see these columns.
  • The "Status" dropdown menu on the "Submit EDI Claims" page now offers new options to make it easier to find items pending resubmission.
  • The main Payers page has a better selection of information, including the payer ID and counts for pending claims.
  • Minor tweaks: Patient statements now say "Not Set" instead of "Not Entered" if a payment is not set. In the appointment Billing tab "Submitted (Not EDI)" was renamed to "Submitted External."

General Updates

  • The appointment dialog "All Day" option was moved to the left of the date/time selection for Scheduled Events and Blackout Periods. Tip: If you work 9am to 5pm and you will be out on a particular day, use the "All Day" option instead of creating a vacation period from 9am to 5pm. It will appear much nicer on your calendar, especially for schedulers at group practices.
  • Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.4, and iOS 6 devices are now blocked from logging into TherapyNotes due to security concerns. Be sure to update your computers and devices to the latest version of your operating system so you can receive security updates! Windows users should upgrade to Windows 10, which is free until July for most users. View more information regarding recommended browsers and operating systems.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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