What's New 4.70: New Work Locations Feature Plus Notes, TherapyPortal™, and Billing Improvements!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on July 28, 2021

Scheduling and Work Locations

The new Work Locations feature allows you to assign clinicians to the locations where they work, which makes it faster and easier to view schedules by location or select the correct location for an appointment.

  • Clinicians are automatically assigned to locations as appointments are scheduled. Additionally, Practice Administrators and Schedulers can manually assign work locations from the Clinician’s Work Schedule tab, and customize their order. This feature allows for a more streamlined user interface and provides performance enhancements.
  • The Location selection has been moved to the top the of the Set Calendar View dialog, and only clinicians that are assigned to the selected location are presented. This makes it much easier for schedulers at large practices to focus on the relevant clinicians and makes the dialog more usable for practices with many clinicians.
  • When creating new appointments, the location can now be selected from a list or typed to search for a specific location. This is beneficial if your practice has numerous locations.
  • When creating new appointments, the Location dropdown is now grouped by locations the clinician is assigned to. Locations in the dropdown are organized in the same priority order as they are on the clinician’s Work Schedule tab. If the clinician is not assigned to the selected location, you'll be asked to confirm that this location should be added to the clinician's assigned work locations when you save the appointment.
  • TherapyNotes™ will no longer attempt to display calendars when too many clinicians are selected, which previously could cause the calendar to freeze. Schedulers at very large practices will appreciate this improvement.
  • When viewing the calendar for a particular location, vacations and scheduled events are now only shown for clinicians who are assigned to that location. This can dramatically simplify the amount of information displayed.
  • The Work Schedule tab user interface has been improved to make it easier to configure work schedules.
  • The Work Schedule settings page has been eliminated since this is managed better on each clinician’s Work Schedule tab. Further, the setting whether Clinicians can edit their own work schedules has been moved to the practice's Security settings page.


  • The Current Mental Status and Risk Assessment sections of the Intake and Progress Notes are no longer part of the note template when the patient is not present for an appointment. These cannot be assessed if the patient is not present, so the note template has been updated to reflect this.
  • The Risk Assessment may now be made entirely optional for all clinicians in your practice. Clinical Administrators and Practice Administrators can manage this on the Note Settings page in your practice's settings. 

TherapyPortal™ and Telehealth

  • The TherapyPortal™ home page that your clients see after they log in has been updated to show pending document requests in a new "Needs Your Attention" section. Upcoming appointments are also easier to findappointments are labeled "Starting Soon" when the appointment start time is within an hour and "Happening Now" when the appointment has already started. Document requests and upcoming appointments now display client names when there is more than one client on the account.
  • The "Ready to Join" telehealth banner will now be displayed to your clients on more pages of TherapyPortal™ immediately when their appointment is ready to join, without requiring a page refresh.
  • A bug causing TherapyPortal™ to incorrectly indicate that the start time of an appointment had passed for practices in certain time zones has been resolved.
  • A couple minor Telehealth bugs have been addressed, including the camera not being detected in some cases, and your video preview mirroring being reversed after using Screen Share.


  • You can now quickly write off multiple patient amounts from the Enter Patient Payment page. Start by entering a $0.00 payment and then select all of the items you want to write off. These items will be written off but no payment will actually be saved.
  • When selecting the credit card icon on the Patient Aging Report to go to the Patient Payment page, the payment amount field now defaults to the balance due.
  • For patients who are not the primary subscriber on their insurance policy, it is no longer required to enter the primary subscriber's information within the Billing Settings tab, other than first and last name.
  • We've updated all mentions of "EDI" throughout TherapyNotes™ to use the more familiar term "electronic claims." For example "Submit EDI Claims" has been renamed "Submit Electronic Claims".  
  • Appointments are now in chronological order on CMS-1500s. Additionally, add-on codes will now be displayed next to the corresponding base code.
  • Providers who have enrolled in RTE services for the payers Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arkansas and California Medicaid (Medi-Cal) can now successfully submit RTE requests.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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