What's New 5.10: 2023 MIPS Reporting, RTE filtering, and UI Enhancements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 23, 2023

Today's maintenance release includes many quality, performance, and UI improvements throughout all areas of TherapyNotes. Here are some items worth highlighting.


MIPS enrollment for 2023 is now set up and ready to go with TherapyNotes. If you bill to Medicare, we recommend making sure that you start any potential enrollment with TherapyNotes to maximize payment adjustments. For more information on the Merit-based Incentive Payment System to see if you qualify, please visit our post on MIPS Reporting Made Easy.

Real Time Eligibility Report

We've added filtering options to the RTE report to more easily find the coverage information you need. A new filter was added to allow you to only include data from “Common Mental Health Categories" in the report, hiding a lot of irrelevant information. You will also be able to filter information for In- and Out-of-Network coverage. Additional changes were made to remove unnecessary noise on the report, regardless of these filters. We have more improvements in store for this report.

New filters on RTE reports for categories and in- or out-of-network

User Interface Enhancements

  • Our newest TherapyNotes release gives a new look and feel to the Log In page while also improving accessibility.
  • We redesigned the interface for removing a patient's portal access from the patient's Portal tab.
  • When viewing a document shared with your patient on the portal, we eliminated an unnecessary dialog and instead display those request details directly on the page.
  • Tooltips throughout TherapyNotes, such as those you see when pointing at a patient name or an appointment, have an updated look and feel. We removed the subtle transparency, cleaned up the font spacing, and changed the border from blue to grey.

Comparison of tooltip design tweaks

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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