What's New 5.15: TherapyNotes® is Mobile-Friendly! Plus Billing and Scheduling Updates

By TherapyNotes, LLC on July 27, 2023

We are excited to announce that TherapyNotes® is now optimized to provide a better user experience on mobile devices! You will now be able to more easily utilize TherapyNotes® from your phone’s web browser. We will continue to improve this experience with each release.


Practice-wide scheduled events, such as staff meetings, will now block patients from scheduling an appointment on the portal. All-day scheduled events, typically used for events such as birthdays, are an exception and will not block availability.

We have updated formatting for times displayed throughout the site, changing the a/p format to AM/PM for easier readability. 

Additional Provider ID Field

TherapyNotes® has added a new field to comply with some payer requirements for additional ID numbers for electronic claims.  This new field, titled Additional Provider ID appears in the Clinician Billing Setting Overrides section when Rendering Provider Type is 'Person (Type 1)'. This field can also be used to enter a Medicaid ID as required by some BCBS payers, or with other payers who look for a legacy number to appear on the claim.

Additional Provider ID


Users are now able to filter Billing Transactions to show payments made by clients on the portal.

Payments on Portal Filter

The CMS-1500 form for the payer, TX Medicare Part B and Indian Health Services JR, will now have certain date fields reformatted to MM/DD/YY in line with the payers' requirements for accepting paper claims.

The link 'Mark External Items' under the Billing page has been updated to say 'Mark External Claims' for better clarity. 

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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