TherapyNotes has exciting new outcome measure features for you today, including a powerful new Insights tab for patient charts, enhanced search options for finding the right measure, and the release of two new outcome measures!
Visualize Outcome Measure Trends at a Glance
We're excited to introduce a new Insights tab in the patient chart, designed to enhance data-driven decision making and support more personalized care! This powerful feature provides a clear, visual overview of a patient's outcome measure scores over time and makes it simple to track progress.
Key Features:
Search Outcome Measures by Category, Age, and Portal-Sharing Status
The Outcome Measure library now includes three new search options for Category, Client Age, and Portal-Sharing configuration. For example, search for all measures applicable to children or all measures pertaining to anxiety.
New Outcome Measures: AIMS & PHQ
We’re happy to announce two new outcome measures: the AIMS and PHQ. As with all of our outcome measures, these are available in English and Spanish.
* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.