What's New: Updates to the Client Insurance Form and Patient Information Smoker Status!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on August 3, 2023

Client Insurance Form Enhancements

The Client Insurance Form has been updated to include Release of Information and Assignment of Benefits consent questions.  Patients can now authorize the release of relevant information needed by the payer for the practice to submit claims on behalf of the patient. The form provides flexibility for the practice to customize the Release of Information legal text to add any additional criteria, as well as customize the Patient Acknowledgment section to meet the needs of the practice and its patients. Practices should review the form in the library and update the legal text if necessary. All patients completing the Client Insurance Form will be required to provide this authorization in order to submit the completed form.  When processing the Client Insurance Form submitted by the patient, the policy information will be automatically updated to show the signed authorization has been received from the patient.

A Release of Information form for other patient contacts is in development and coming soon.


Patient Information Smoker Status

A Smoker Status field has been added to the patient information section. Many payers require patients to be screened for tobacco or other nicotine use, especially at intake.  By adding this field, both on the Info tab and in the Client History form, we made it easy for the practice to document (and the patient to self-report) their tobacco use pattern.  Tobacco users can be quickly and easily identified and the appropriate interventions documented to comply with payer requirements and promote healthier lifestyles. 

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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