Your 2018 PQRS Payment Adjustment Letters Are Coming

By TherapyNotes, LLC on October 25, 2017
TherapyNotes - 2018 PQRS Payment Adjustment Letters

If you did not meet the PQRS reporting requirements in 2016, your penalty letter could already be in the mail. If you did not meet the requirements for PQRS and Meaningful Use, and you are subject to the Value-based Modifier, you could lose a total of 9% of all Medicare revenue next year.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has indicated that they will be sending letters to notify psychologists and other qualifying professionals of their 2018 PQRS payment adjustment based on their 2016 PQRS reporting.

The reporting year for 2016 ended on February 24, 2017 for claims-based reporting and on March 31, 2017 for Qualified Clinical Data Registries. CMS has analyzed the data submitted by providers under the PQRS reporting system and will issue up to a 2% penalty to all providers who failed to meet reporting requirements. The negative payment adjustment applies in 2018.

To access your PQRS Feedback Report and determine whether you are subject to the penalty, visit the CMS QualityNet portal. If you have any difficulty accessing the portal, please contact the QualityNet Help Desk.


What if I have problems with my payment adjustment?

If you believe your payment adjustment includes an error, you may submit a request for an informal review of your reporting performance. CMS is offering an informal review period from September 18, 2017 through December 1, 2017. For more information about how to request an informal review, follow this Quick Reference Guide from CMS. If you have other questions, you can contact the Physician Value Help Desk.


The Quality Payment Program

As a reminder, PQRS has been discontinued in favor of the Quality Payment Program (QPP). The QPP is designed to simplify reporting on the process of enhancing care for your clients. Most behavioral health providers will be required to submit data under the QPP beginning January 1, 2019, but many are choosing to get ahead of the changes. Subscribe to our blog to stay on top of updates about the QPP and how TherapyNotes can help you not only avoid future penalties but also potentially earn additional revenue.

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* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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