Batch Claim Submission and More Improvements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on August 7, 2014

Billing Enhancements

  • Batch EDI Claims Processing: The highlight of this version is the ability to submit all pending claims at once with just a couple clicks! Large practices will especially save a lot of time with this great new feature.
  • Send Amended or Voided Claims: You'll find these new options in the new page for submitting claims.
  • Comments for Claims: Easily add your own comments to claims that you have submitted, from the EDI Claim History page.
  • ERA Status Tracking: TherapyNotes can now help you keep track of which ERA's you have processed. ERA's in the ERA report will be listed as "NEW" and they have a "Mark as Processed" button which should be clicked once it has been entered into your billing.
  • The Patient Aging Report has many more date range options.
  • Some employee benefit cards were incorrectly being declined with our credit card feature. We have worked around the issue and specific cards should work correctly now. If you have problems with benefits cards please contact support.

Patients and Scheduling Updates

  • Patient Tooltips: Point your arrow at a patient name just about anywhere in TherapyNotes for quick information about that patient such as their preferred contact information.
  • Print Patient Schedule Summary: On any patient's "To Do and Schedule" tab a new Print icon is available to print a list of all upcoming appointments scheduled for that patient.
  • The patient Excel export now has an insurance ID column.

Security Enhancements

  • More of the staff member pages/tabs are now visible to users based on their access level.
  • We have improved the process for resetting lost passwords.
  • We have removed some capabilities for "Clinical Admins" which make more sense to only be available to "Practice Admins" including the ability to edit the TherapyNotes Subscription and certain practice settings.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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