Custom Billing Settings Per Clinician and More

By TherapyNotes, LLC on September 26, 2014

TherapyNotes now offers custom billing settings for individual clinicians. This is useful for "coop practices" in which clinicians work in a group, but have their own group NPI, tax ID and other billing information (although we generally advise coop practices to have their own practices in TherapyNotes). This feature will eliminate the need to set up separate TherapyNotes "locations" in order to support billing for coop practices, which will drastically simplify your scheduling tasks. If you are currently using locations for this purpose, it is important to update your billing settings before submitting any claims.

Additionally, these custom settings can be set per payer. For example a clinician may have a different billing address, NPI number or tax ID registered with one particular payer. TherapyNotes can now accommodate this easily. This applies to solo or group practices.

Please note that as part of this change, service facility information such as the NPI and tax ID will no longer be used in place of practice settings for practice billing information on claims, patient statements, superbills, and CMS-1500 forms. These new per-clinician settings should be used instead. They are available on any clinician's Billing tab. Please contact support if you have any questions.

Plus Many Other Changes

  • The "Mark Manually Submitted Claims" page now also displays the DOB and insurance ID of the patients.
  • When entering a patient payment for an item that has no rate set we now assume that the payment amount was the rate due. If that's not the case simply edit the item's rate before or after entering the payment. This improves usability issues that could occur.
  • Another week from the beginning of the next month has been added to the little popup calendar you get in various dialogs, such as when scheduling an appointment, to reduce the likelihood you need to click to the next month.
  • Added ability to automatically copy over the address info from a patient’s contacts into the insured's address fields. To get the best benefit of this feature first add the patient contact, such as the parent or spouse whose insurance plan they are on, before entering the insurance information.
  • From the Clinicians tab on any patient record you can now also view any supervisors who have access to the patient by virtue of being a supervisor of one of their clinicians. Similarly from the clinician’s Patients tab you can see any assigned supervisors.
  • The Contact note now includes Spouse, Partner, and Friend as relationship options.
  • Improved compatibility on iOS 8 (keyboard was popping up at inappropriate times on some pages).

And as with most updates, this update included a handful of bug fixes, performance improvements, and many small tweaks that will improve your overall TherapyNotes experience. A lot more changes are on the way!

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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