Global Search, New Appointment Frequency Options, and More!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on October 23, 2014

Global Search

Click the search icon in the upper right corner for a great way to search your TherapyNotes account and navigate TherapyNotes. Search patients, staff members, payers, or help articles! Type a date to jump to that date in the calendar. Type “Wednesday” to go to the next occurrence. You can also type a page to jump right there, such as “Enter Insurance Payment” or “Change Your Password”.Click the icon for more examples of what you can type. Power user tip: Just press ctrl+space to bring up search and use arrow keys and enter to make your selection. (So to go to the EDI Claim History page without your mouse: ctrl+space, “EDI”, enter.)

Major New Scheduling Features

Ability to specify "Every 3 weeks" for recurring appointments, and the ability to specify multiple days for recurring appointments. For example, you can now schedule a patient to come Mondays and Wednesdays every week, all from a single recurring appointment. You could also now specify someone comes every week day (M-F, weekly).

New Note Count Report

This new report shows the number of completed notes, broken down by a number of options such as clinician, note type, and more. This is a great way to track session counts, especially useful for interns tracking their hours.

User Tooltips

Pointing your arrow at a user's name, such as a clinician, now shows a tooltip with contact information. This is useful for schedulers at large practices who may need quick access to this information. You'll find this feature helpful in the Agenda view of the calendar, among other places.

Appointment Billing Tab Enhancements

  • Allows editing of in-network insurance amounts unless the charge is already paid, even if already submitted
  • Allows editing of payment method unless the charge is already paid
  • Better handling of items when the payer is changed to out of network and the item was already marked as in network (or vice versa)
  • Better handling of changing payers for an appointment
  • Users prevented from changing insurance amount to an amount less than what was already paid

Simplified Insurance Providers / Payers Interface

TherapyNotes will be phasing out the ability to split an insurance provider into separate payers. This greatly simplifies the interface for setting up new insurance providers, which in the future we're just going to call payers. If your practice has multiple payers set up for insurance providers, everything is still as it was, but please talk to us about a strategy to eliminate these extra payers.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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