Staff Files and More Improvements to TherapyNotes

By TherapyNotes, LLC on July 14, 2014
  • Staff files - Practice admins in group practices can now upload files for staff members such as signed contracts, W9’s, or staff photos. Only practice admins have access to these files. In this release we also fixed the bug preventing the uploading of patient photos.
  • Search for scheduled intakes - A new patient search filter allows you to find all patients that have an intake scheduled over the next week. That allows you to prepare in advance for the necessary paperwork for these clients.
  • Copy addresses to family contacts - When editing patient contacts the patient’s address and home address will be conveniently available in a pulldown menu which will automatically copy this information over. This is helpful when entering family members that share an address or home phone number.
  • Contact Note enhancements - Contact notes now allow multiple methods of communication to be selected on a single note, and SMS/Text was added as a new option.
  • Groups on printed calendar - The printable calendar has been improved to include all attendees in a group session.
  • Type dates faster - When typing a date we now also allow the format of “mmddyy” (without slashes) for faster data entry, such as "070914"
  • Windows XP warning - The login page will now give a stern warning for anyone using Windows XP. This operating system is no longer supported by Microsoft and has security flaws which Microsoft will no longer fix. We will stop allowing logins from this 13 year old operating system in the near future.

Company Updates:

TherapyNotes, LLC moved into our new office building, which offers us significant growth opportunities. We have already increased our staff and will be continuing to do so. Our larger development team is allowing for even faster improvements to TherapyNotes. Our top priority project continues to be the patient portal, which has had significant progress. We also upgraded the Internet connection at the data center to one that is much faster and more reliable.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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