What's New: Client Insurance Form Improvements, and More!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on July 25, 2024

Client Insurance Form Merge Improvements

The Client Insurance Form merge process has been streamlined. The changes include displaying all of the information submitted by the patient first, followed by the new policy information, where all information submitted by the patient will be copied. The user performing the merge may add or correct any information the patient may have incorrectly recorded.

The form now displays the front and back images of the insurance cards side by side, and allows the legal text and signature to be collapsed, for more optimal viewing of the information that matters.


Clinical Director Requirement to Sign Treatment Plans

We’ve introduced a new workflow to support practices requiring a Clinical Director’s signature on treatment plans.

When this feature is enabled, a user with the Clinical Administrator role can be designated as the Clinical Director for the practice. Notifications will be sent to the Director via their to-do list once the Clinician has signed the treatment plan and it has been approved by a supervisor when applicable. The Director can either approve the treatment plan or return it to the author for revisions. The treatment plan will remain pending until the Clinical Director signs it.

A practice may only have one Clinical Director responsible for reviewing and signing all treatment plans for a practice.  A Practice Administrator may enable/disable the feature or assign a different Clinical Director at any time, and all outstanding treatment plans will reflect that new preference.

To enable this feature, navigate to Note Settings and refer to the “Director Signature for Treatment Plans” setting.


Redesigned Appointment Dialog Header

The appointment dialog now includes a dynamic header for all appointment types, showcasing essential details like date and time, appointment type, clinician, and patient information when applicable.


* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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