What's New: Billing Enhancements and HAq-II Outcome Measure

By TherapyNotes, LLC on July 23, 2024

Payer Telehealth Coding Overrides

You’ll see a new section at the bottom of the Payer Info tab that allows you to override the place of service code and add an additional modifier to all Telehealth sessions. When the “Telehealth Session” checkbox is selected for an appointment, the Telehealth Coding Overrides will automatically be used on your claims. The place of service code will override your practice or location settings, and the modifier code will be included with any other applicable modifiers from your settings.


Redesigned Review Claim Detail View

When you click “Review Claim Details,” a dialog box displays all claim information, such as practice billing contacts, patient details, provider specifics, insurance coverage, and the clearinghouse that will process the claim. At the bottom of the dialog is a new field called “Line Items,” which reveals each service date and associated diagnostic information. For claims with multiple dates of service, each service’s details are expandable for detailed information. The primary code appears first, followed by any additional codes. If a resubmission is necessary, the claim details will display resubmission settings below the payer details and the claim control number.


Write-Off & Insurance Adjustment Report Enhancements

When running the report, you can now filter for a specific write-off reason. Options include Any Reason, Unknown Reason, Sliding Scale, Small Balances, No Insurance, Contractual Agreement, Bad Debt, Collection Agency, or Other.

Hover over the write-off value to view detailed information, including the reason, date & time, and staff member responsible for the write-off. Additionally, you can click on the written-off value to open the chart with the write-off details.


Like the Write-Off Report, you can create detailed reports for insurance adjustments, focusing on specific insurance amounts for clearer visibility into insurance adjustments. Each insurance adjustment line item has been updated to provide more specific details. You can also export insurance adjustment data into Excel.


HAq-II Outcome Measure

We’re happy to announce the release of an outcome measure, the HAq-II. This outcome measure can be completed by the patient on the portal or be clinician-administered in TherapyNotes, and will be available to review in the client’s chart, print, or download as PDFs. As with all our outcome measures, it is available in English and Spanish.

The Revised Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAq-II) assesses the extent to which the patient experiences the therapist and the therapy as helpful. It assesses two aspects of the helping alliance: perceived helpfulness, which is defined as the patient’s experience of the therapist as being capable of providing the help that is needed, and collaboration, which is defined as the patient’s experience of treatment as a process of working together toward goals.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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