Even More TherapyNotes Scheduling Updates

By TherapyNotes, LLC on May 18, 2012

This release follows up our last round of scheduling updates with even more improvements. We also hope you like the new "floating" menu bar. There are also various bug fixes, performance enhancements, and other minor enhancements to TherapyNotes.

  • Group Therapy: Individuals can be marked missed, without affecting other patients
  • Group Therapy: Missed Appointment Notes and fees can now be applied to patients who miss a session
  • Group Therapy: Ability to add and remove patients, and change the reminder text, after a note has been completed
  • Ability to delete appointments (Cancel the appointment first. Must not have any notes or billing activity!)
  • Display patient full names or just initials in the schedule (Click "Set Calendar View" above the calendar)
  • Day view is smarter about selecting which clinicians to display when they can't all fit on the screen
  • Scheduling a patient with a clinical admin will automatically assign the patient to that clinician
  • Display a line marking the current time on the Day and Week views of the calendar

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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