Improvements to Notes and Logging In; New Security Settings

By TherapyNotes, LLC on December 2, 2010

This update focused on three different areas of the software:


  • Psychotherapy Progress Notes have a new "Plan" field. Using the History icon, you can quickly view or reuse a plan from any past Progress Note for the same patient.
  • When you view a 'draft' note (a note that has not been signed yet), the note will indicate that it is a draft and provide a link to sign it.
  • When you save a note without signing it, don't give recommendations about further tasks. Wait until the note is signed to do this.

Logging In

  • The log in process has been split into two steps. You enter your practice code first, and then your user name and password is entered on the next screen. If we remember your practice code, you will not see the first screen.
  • The log in page is now faster, and the two-step process and several other changes add another layer of security.
  • The log in page is now easier to use on the iPad and on mobile devices.

Security Settings

  • You can now configure custom security settings for your practice. We have added a new Security Settings page to allow administrators to change security settings and password requirements. The Computer Access Settings page was merged with this new page.
  • If a user is locked out because of too many failed log in attempts, their account can be manually unlocked by an administrator without having to wait for the lockout period to expire.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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