New Notes Features in TherapyNotes!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on March 20, 2013

We are excited about this major update which adds many new notes-related features!

  • New Consultation Service Type and Notes: You can now schedule a "Consultation" for which you will then be requested to do the new "Consultation Note". To get started, add a service code for consultation appointments. You do not need to use a CPT code if this isn't billable to insurance. For example, you can just use "CONSULT" as the service code. Use consultations when progress notes, evaluation notes, and intake notes don't apply. Consultation notes do not require a treatment plan to be in place.
  • The "Mental Status Exam" and "Patient Presentation" sections on the intake note and progress note now have convenient "All Normal" and "All Not Assessed" links to automatically fill out all the fields. You can use that as a starting point and then make additional changes. We added "Not Assessed" as a standard selection to the menus.
  • If you enable the multiple locations feature, the practice name printed on notes now uses the practice name set for the specific office location. Be sure to check the practice name on each of your locations, so they make sense to be printed.
  • The missed appointment note now requires a signature, including if it was done by an administrative user (a scheduler or biller). This is the first time administrative staff have had an option to sign a note.
  • Contact notes can now be created by administrative staff so they can document patient interactions. When a clinician creates a contact note there will be an option to choose whether administrative staff or only assigned clinicians should be able to see it.
  • A new miscellaneous note lets clinicians or administrative staff document anything they would like into a patient's records. It can optionally be billable as long as the person who created the note is not an administrative user. Please note that you can't submit this to insurance (use the consultation note, not the miscellaneous note if you need to submit to insurance.)
  • While viewing a note there are now convenient "previous" and "next" links to read through all of a patient's notes.

Other minor enhancements, not related to notes

  • Any time zone can be selected in the practice settings, whereas it was previously limited to time zones in the USA.
  • Added ability to create superbills for items older than 1 year
  • If place of service of is one digit (such as "3"), it will have a leading 0 in electronic claims (such as "03").
  • Various other tweaks and fixes

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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