
Changes to ICD-10 Codes and DSM-5 Diagnoses Effective October 2018

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has revised the Diagnostic and Statistical...
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Billing for Phone Calls with CPT Codes 98966, 98967, and 98968
As a therapist, you expect to receive phone calls from clients. Many practitioners don't...
5 Ways to Fight Loneliness in Private Practice
It’s no mystery why many therapists report feeling lonely. With a lack of coworkers, an...
Understanding Crisis CPT Codes (90839 and 90840)
Providing emergency care for a patient in crisis can be stressful, and figuring out how...
A Quick Overview of Family CPT Codes (90846 and 90847)
There's a lot of information out there about family CPT codes, spread across multiple...
Pros and Cons of Having a Therapy Niche
It's an age-old question: Should you be a generalist who serves a broad range of clients...
5 Ways to Improve Your Networking Skills
Networking is crucial in building a successful practice. Getting new referrals often...
Should You Do Your Own Billing Or Use a Service?
Whether you're brand new to the insurance world or a seasoned veteran, getting paid can...
Billing After Hours: CPT Code 99050 vs. 99051
Therapy is not generally a 9-5 job. Sometimes clients need you on short notice or outside...

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