Reduced Pricing, New Features, and More Payers Available

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 25, 2015

Reduced Pricing

We are happy to announce that we have reduced pricing on electronic claims and text/phone appointment reminders to just 14 cents each, down from 19 cents. As always there are no minimum counts for sending claims. Further, if this price change went into effect before you were billed for your monthly billing cycle, you will retroactively be paying the lower fee for the entire month! Also, we have stopped charging enrollment fees for all payers.

Blue Shield of California EDI

Practices in California will be happy to learn that we can now send electronic claims to Blue Shield of California. Update your payer settings to give Blue Shield of California the payer ID of 94036. If it tells you that enrollment will take 2-4 weeks, don’t worry, it will actually take about 1 day.

New Features and Enhancements

  • A new Supervisor role was added. This role must be enabled to be selected as a clinician's supervisor. We've enabled this option for you for all existing supervisors. Accounts are free for supervisors that are not clinicians. The Staff page was also improved, making it easier to find your supervisor or supervisees.
  • The Interventions selections on psychotherapy progress notes now offer the History button to review and easily copy forward previous selections. An "All" link to select all items was added back based on customer feedback, and "None" is a new addition.
  • Support for more HSA cards for credit card processing was added.
  • The insurance provider pages now show if clinician-level billing settings are in place, and provide a convenient link to get to those settings.
  • Numerous design tweaks, building upon recent changes, were implemented. Update

With this TherapyNotes update there were many behind the scenes enhancements to prepare for launch. We will begin offering access to practices that want to be early adopters very soon!

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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