Subscription Changes, New Intern Role, New Billing Features, and Much More

By TherapyNotes, LLC on April 29, 2015

Our development team is larger than ever and the pace at which improvements are being made has really taken off. Today's update includes a significant number of improvements. We have also added new web servers to TherapyNotes, further improving performance and scalability as TherapyNotes continues to experience massive growth. Thank you to all of you who have been spreading the word to your colleagues and peers!

New Subscription Model

We no longer ask you in advance to determine how many clinicians you have on your account. This required a user to first change their subscription before being able to add a new clinician. Instead, TherapyNotes will automatically determine your monthly fee based on your current number of clinicians and interns. You can now add and remove users at any time. Also, if your practice was set to pay for more clinicians than you actually were using, we have automatically reduced your rate!

If your practice has a custom rate, this change will not affect you automatically. Be sure to double check to see if you would actually benefit by switching to our regular pricing instead of your custom rate.

New Intern User Account

We are introducing a new Intern user role, which is only $20 per month instead of $30. An intern is exactly like a clinician but with limitations. The intern user's title must contain the word 'Intern', they cannot be enrolled with insurance, they do not have a license field, NPI, or taxonomy code setting, and they cannot be a Clinical Admin or Practice Admin. If the limitations are too restrictive, then just use the Clinician role for these users.

If you are with a school with a custom rate schedule, switching your users to interns is probably not beneficial. If you have a custom rate with us, perhaps because we offered you discounts for having interns, you may be able to get a better price by switching to this new pricing. Contact sales to review your account if you feel this applies to you.

Mark Manually Submitted Claims Overhaul

We have overhauled the interface for keeping track of claims that you submit externally to TherapyNotes. The interface will now only show pending items that are already marked to be submitted manually. So if you only use this feature for a small number of payers, this will make this feature much more convenient. Only claims ready to be submitted will be listed. Also, you can now search for pending claims based on more criteria, such as clinician or patient. Of course we encourage you to take advantage of the electronic claims features built right into TherapyNotes.

Revenue Report Breaks Down Payments for Each Total

When you are viewing the Revenue Report you can click on a dollar amount to see more information. Previously you would see a list of the charges (such as appointments) that resulted in that revenue, but it was not clear how this information related to the revenue report. Instead you will now see a list of the payments that resulted in that revenue, along with the dates of service and amounts being paid for.

Suggestions for Insured Fields from Patient Contacts

If a patient is on his/her parent's insurance, you will see a list of the patient's parents in the insured's settings. Be sure to set up their contacts first, before adding their insurance information, to avoid double data entry. If you don’t use an existing contact, TherapyNotes now automatically defaults many of the fields based on the patient information.

More Fields in Patient Export Including Secondary Payer

If you generate a spreadsheet of your patient data from TherapyNotes, we have added many more columns to the export such as more contact information, secondary payer details, gender, and marital status.

Additional changes:

  • The DSM-IV interface is no longer available for new notes. You will still see DSM-IV codes on past notes that were created with the DSM-IV.
  • PQRS Codes now has a History Button. This will allow you to easily see what codes you had entered on prior notes for that patient, and copy them to the current note if desired.
  • Work schedule tweaks have been implemented such as displaying the location in the tooltips on the calendar.
  • The Submit EDI page now indicates more clearly if you are billing as a supervisor.
  • The Service Codes Settings page has a number of user interface improvements.
  • Miscellaneous charges now show more information when listed in billing reports.
  • Support for more HSA cards have been added to credit card processing feature.
  • If you have an unsigned note, the to-do item to do the note will go away and you'll only have the to-do item to finish the note you signed, instead of showing you two to-do items for the same appointment.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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