TherapyNotes Appointment Reminders Launch & Billing Improvements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 26, 2013

TherapyNotes Appointment Reminders Launch

With this release we are happy to announce that Appointment Reminders are officially out of beta! Thank you for our appointment reminder early adopters and all their great feedback. Otherwise, nothing has changed with appointment reminders in this release. As with the rest of TherapyNotes, we will continue to enhance appointment reminder features over time.

Starting 4/1/13, appointment reminders will be 19 cents for each text (SMS) or phone reminder. Email reminders will be free! If you haven't tried this feature yet, now is a great time as we are happily giving everyone free appointment reminders through the end of March.

Appointment reminders will reduce no-shows and late cancelations, easily covering the small expense for this feature. Because they are entirely automated this eliminates the administrative costs of calling your patients. If you have any questions about this feature, please let us know.

Billing Improvements:

This update focuses on the billing features of TherapyNotes:

  • Significantly faster claim history and billing history reports/dialogs
  • Misc charges can now be deleted
  • Expired preauthorizations can now be used for dates of service that came before their expiration, even if their expiration was in the past
  • Billing history for appointments now has links to relevant items such as payments or claims
  • EDI Claim History search now uses data as it appeared on claim instead of as it is currently set
  • Billing tab message about a clinician not being on a rate schedule now links directly to rate schedule to fix

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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