PQRS Quality Measures, Patient Editing Improvements, and More

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 18, 2013

TherapyNotes now supports the Physician Quality and Reporting System (PQRS), which is required for Medicare providers. We will include PQRS codes on your electronic or paper claims if you document them on your notes. This feature must be enabled from the Practice Billing Settings.

Additional changes:

  • Added ability to select military state designations when entering addresses (AA, AP, AE)
  • Added ability to enter patient's email when creating a patient while scheduling first appointment
  • Display the patient's preferred phone number at the top of all patient pages
  • When creating a new patient from the Patients section of the website, added the ability to specify the patient's clinicians at the time they are created, even for billers and schedulers who cannot normally change clinician assignment later on
  • Patient contacts now have a single free-form name field instead of separate first, middle, and last name fields so that it is easier to enter formal names and titles
  • Removed extra whitespace between the header and content of printed notes that are not documenting an appointment (i.e. treatment plans or termination notes)
  • Redesigned the appointment billing settings tab to make better use of space and scroll only as needed
  • Removed ability to add insurance provider while editing a patient
  • Fixed patients missing from auto-complete search results when last name contains spaces
  • Fix missing label for service codes section in the header of printed notes

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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