Appointment Reminders Update and New To-Do View

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 4, 2013

We are happy to announce that all practices can now enable appointment reminders themselves, from the Appointment Reminders settings page. (You must be a practice administrator). Appointment reminders are still considered in "beta" which means that it's still free to use as we continue to enhance it. There are no known issues and the customers that have been using appointment reminders have been overwhelmingly pleased.

Here are some updates to appointment reminders with this release:

  • Automatic response sent to incoming SMS messages to let patients know that they can't cancel appointments by replying to our text messages.
  • Send phone reminders to the patient's preferred phone instead of only the mobile phone.
  • Automatically call other phone numbers if the preferred phone does not pick up. Note that we never call work phones for appointment reminders, even if set as preferred.
  • Added an SMS-only option for reminders so that you can enable SMS without enabling e-mail reminders.
  • Added the ability to specify an alternate practice name to speak during phone reminders, so you can remove acronyms, abbreviations, or unnecessary words and add phonetic spellings

Additionally there is now a new full-screen To Do List view available by clicking "To Do" from the main menu. (To get to the regular home page, click the TherapyNotes logo). We are also adding To-Do items to your list a little sooner — usually just before the appointment starts — in case you do your notes during your session or want to get them started.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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