TherapyNotes 4.4: TherapyNotes Redesign, ICD-10 Launched, and More!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on October 1, 2015

Major TherapyNotes Redesign

Yes, you're in the right place! You are now looking at the brand new TherapyNotes design. Every pixel on every screen was reconsidered to maximize ease-of-use, consistency, and of course aesthetic appeal. However, the new design will be entirely familiar to you. You will not need to learn anything new.

Some of the benefits of the new design include:

  • Responsive interface automatically adjusts for everything from small displays such as tablets up to full-size computer displays
  • Larger text that is easier on your eyes
  • Larger elements that are easier to click or touch when using a tablet
  • New pull down menu in navigation bar to access Settings, Help, Contact, and Log Out
  • Added "Payers" to navigation bar for Billers
  • "Documents" tab renamed to "Notes" for front desk staff, consistent with clinicians
  • Reorganized the Patient Info tab for patients for optimal usability

ICD-10 Codes

The day is finally here. Starting with appointments on 10/1, ICD-10 diagnosis codes should be used. Remember, this is based on the date of service, so continue using ICD-9 on services from before 10/1. Because TherapyNotes always copies your diagnosis from your most recent note, be sure to do your notes in order! Try not to do any ICD-10 notes until your ICD-9 notes are all done. For example if you do a treatment plan dated 10/1 with an ICD-10 code, and then do a progress note for a session in September, your ICD-10 diagnosis code will be pre-filled. Consider using a September date if you have to do a treatment plan for any notes that will need ICD-9 codes. Also take advantage of the History button in the diagnosis field to choose a different diagnosis. More Information

Selectable Table Columns

Various data tables will now automatically display columns based on what will fit on your display. For example, if you have a large enough display, the Patients page will now show the patient’s preferred phone and the Billing page will now include a new Insurance Paid column. If your display is too small to display the column you want to see, click the "Select Columns" icon to override the automatic selection. More Information

Retina Practice Logos and Photos

High resolution "retina" quality practice logos are now used, such as on your client portal. If you previously uploaded a high resolution logo, you're already set. Otherwise, visit the Practice Logo settings page if you'd like to upload a higher resolution logo. Further, any patient or staff photos will be displayed in high resolution within TherapyNotes. A high resolution display is needed to see the high quality images.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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