TherapyNotes 4.5: Various Scheduling, Billing, and UI Improvements

By TherapyNotes, LLC on October 26, 2015

This update builds on the recent TherapyNotes redesign, improving the user interface in many helpful ways throughout the software. In addition to various performance improvements and bug fixes, here are the highlights of the new release.

  • To-Do lists for billers now include a count of ERAs ready to process, new EDI rejections to review, and pending claims to submit. These counts are now also available on Billing pages and tabs as applicable.
  • Contact Note will show status of the relevant release of information details immediately upon selecting a contact, just below the contact.
  • Notes tab for patients has been redesigned and now more clearly distinguish files that are administrative or clinical.
  • TherapyNotes now remembers if you hide or show the weekend in week view.
  • Schedulers no longer have access to the Patient Billing tab for patients. If they need this access, they will need to be given Biller access
  • Billing search has a new filter to search just for refunds.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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