What's New 4.72: Electronic Claim Search Improvements and License Expiration To-Do Items!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on September 29, 2021

TherapyNotes™ 4.72 is primarily a maintenance release that includes the following notable enhancements:

Submit Electronic Claims

We heard you loud and clear and have improved the Submit Electronic Claims page! We put back the feature to automatically show pending claims as soon as you visit the Submit Electronic Claims page or after you edit any appointments on the page. The only exception is if you have over 1,000 items to submit and have not yet specified any search filters, such as payer or clinician.

We've gone even further and the page is now significantly faster. This is especially helpful if you have to make a lot of edits to the appointments on the page, requiring the page to frequently update. The larger your practice, the more obvious these performance improvements will be.

Please note the count of items next to each search filter now show practice-wide counts for all appointments and are no longer specific to the date range specified. Also, the default range is now 90 days.

Clinician Licenses Update

A To-Do list item will now be generated for clinicians when their license is going to expire. Clinicians now have access to edit the expiration date of their own license.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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