What's New 5.7: Prior Authorization Enhancements and More

By TherapyNotes, LLC on October 19, 2022

Prior Authorizations

We are excited to announce enhancements to Prior Authorizations! We’ve made numerous changes to help streamline your workflow and make it easier to track your use of prior authorizations. 

  • Prior Authorizations will now be viewed, added, and edited within their respective insurance policies.


  • Users can now enter authorization codes without specifying a service code, so it will be used with any service, or enter multiple service codes for which it applies.
  • Users can delete and disable Prior Authorizations. 


  • We’ve added enhanced validation messages for Prior Authorizations that are expired or expiring soon, have less than 2 uses remaining, or include deleted service codes.
  • Prior Authorization reports can now be filtered by expiration date, status, and uses remaining.


Read more about the prior authorization enhancements.

Also included in this release:

Outcome Measures

Clinicians can now send outcome measure requests to clients even when there is still one pending processing by the practice, so that clients can remain on a consistent submission schedule.


TherapyNotes added new diagnosis codes from the October 2022 ICD-10-CM update. As of 10/1/2022, the code F43.8 has been split into two new codes and is no longer valid as a billable code for many payers. F43.81 should be used for Prolonged grief disorder, while F43.89 should be used for Other reactions to severe stress. Note that F43.8 is still available within the code search to allow for documentation of services rendered prior to 10/1/2022. However, for all services rendered as of that date billing will require one of the two more specific codes for most payers. If you receive rejections for invalid diagnosis codes, please update to the more specific code in the note for that session and resubmit your claim.


Calendars synced to your smart phone will now show the location as Telehealth otherwise it will show the office location if you work in multiple locations.

To-Do List

When To-Do List settings are changed, TherapyNotes will now recheck for patients who might be eligible for a termination reminder under the new settings to help ensure terminations are not missed.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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