What’s New 5.8: Patient Info Updates, Prescription Support Staff, and More!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on December 1, 2022

Patient Information Updates

We've changed how patient names are presented across TherapyNotes to prioritize their preferred name over their legal name. Their preferred name, if on file, is shown first, followed by their legal first name in parentheses, then legal last name, such as Jae (Jane) Doe. 

To coincide with this change, we've updated the Name fields to Legal Name and added a new field for Suffix, which is displayed following a patient's last name, if on file. When submitting claims, only the legal name will be included, and the suffix will also be added if applicable.

Additionally, we've added several new fields to the patient's Info tab, including:

  • Pronouns, which are displayed to the right of the patient's name on their chart and when hovering over their name throughout the application
  • Ethnicity
  • Religious Affiliation

The patient's Info tab also now offers a range of more precise options:

  • Gender Identity
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marital Status
  • Employment


ePrescribe users can now add prescription support staff in TherapyNotes, allowing these non-prescribing clinicians to access patient medications and assist the prescribers.

Prescription support staff must have the Clinician role with a Medication Management type (e.g., Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, or Medication Management - Other). They do not need to have an NPI number. Prescription support staff will not be charged the monthly prescriber fee.

Prescription support staff can:

  • Add, edit, and delete patient allergies, pharmacies, height, and weight
  • Add patient-reported medications
  • Access the patient's medication history
  • Add prescriptions for the prescriber's approval

Prescription support staff cannot:

  • Approve prescriptions
  • Respond to pharmacy requests for refills or changes

Portal Forms

Practice Administrators can now apply formatting like headings, bold, italic, underline, and lists to the layout of several forms in your practice's Library for view in the portal, including:

  • Client Insurance Form
  • Consent for Services
  • Notice of Privacy Practices
  • Payment Authorization Form 


We've updated TherapyNotes Telehealth to resolve a number of issues for participants using iOS Safari, such as not hearing or seeing others after recording an audio message, watching a video in another browser, or finishing an incoming call in full-screen mode.

Prior Authorizations

On a patient's Billing Settings tab, Prior Authorizations now show improved warnings when an authorization will expire in two weeks, fewer than two uses remain, or the service code was deleted by the practice.


Other Improvements

Experiencing an issue with TherapyNotes? You can now get to our Status page through the User menu when logged in to check for reported issues.


* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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