What's New: Custom Portal Forms

By TherapyNotes, LLC on December 21, 2023

We're very excited to announce the arrival of custom portal forms!

This new feature gives Practice Admins the ability to create fillable forms for their practice library, which can be shared to patients on the portal. Now you can include customized question fields in your forms to request answers from patients.

Choice Options

This new choice tool allows you to create prompts for patients as radio buttons, checkboxes, or dropdowns. 

CustomForms Choice

Single Select (Radio Buttons)

The Single Select Choice option can be used to create a question using a radio buttons to accept a single response from the patient. When using this option, a response is always required. An example question could be, "How strongly do you agree with this statement?" with response options such as, "strongly agree, agree, don't agree, strongly don't agree" where only one selection is allowed. Optionally, you can offer an "other" option to allow the client to type something else.

Single Select-1


The Checkbox Choice option can be used to create a question that could have multiple responses. When using this type of question, a response can be optional or required. On the completed document, all of the response options are displayed, whether selected or not. An example question could be, "Which of the following symptoms are you experiencing?" allowing the user to select multiple responses.



The Dropdown Choice option can be used to create a question that has a single response. When using this option, a response can be optional or required. On the completed document, only the selected response is displayed. This response type is useful when you have many options to choose from, such as asking a patient to select the state where they were born. 


Text Response Option

The Text Response option enables you to create short and long answer questions to gather information from patients. The Required toggle can be utilized to make the question required or optional for patient completion.  Short answers are good for questions that require a short text response, such as asking for a name. Long answers are useful if the answer will be multiple sentences, such as gathering patient history information.

Text Response

Completed Forms

These great new features build upon existing custom documents features, such as the ability to collect patient and practice signatures, and the use of rich text. With all these tools combined, you can now create robust forms for patients to complete on the portal.

Custom Forms - Signing Custom Forms - Completed-2

Please note that we recommend the use of our built-in portal forms whenever possible, because of their tight integration with other features. For example, the Client Information Form, Client Contacts Form, and Client Insurance Form all copy forward into the patient's settings.

We look forward to your feedback on this exciting feature!

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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