What's New 5.21: Maintenance and New Features

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 6, 2024

As with all maintenance releases, TherapyNotes 5.21 includes numerous system-wide improvements including bug fixes, performance enhancements, and usability adjustments. TherapyNotes 5.21 also includes additional new features that will be announced and enabled shortly. Below are some note-worthy improvements with today’s release.

Treatment Plan Updates

This release includes multiple improvements to Treatment Plans:

  • the ability to add multiple Strategies/Interventions at once, using a quick select menu
  • the ability to select an Estimated Completion date for Objectives 
  • help text to clarify that Modality, Frequency, and Estimated Completion fields are all optional

Below showcases the link to quickly add multiple Strategies or Interventions at the same time. You can also see the new dropdown to add an Estimated Completion date for an Objective, which is optional, along with Modality and Frequency.

TX-New Treatment Plan-1

We are reintroducing an updated Strategy/Intervention menu, making it easier to quickly add new selections. This menu does not close until you're done using it, making it easy to quickly add multiple items.


Document Share Icons

Convenient share icons have been added to the Library, allowing you to quickly send files, forms, or outcome measures to the client portal without needing to open up the document preview. 


The patient's Documents tab also shows this new icon for applicable documents, for quick sharing on the portal. 


Patient Timezone in Appointment Confirmation

We previously updated appointment reminders so they display appointment times in the patient's time zone. We have now also updated the email patients receive when the practice confirms appointment requests made on the portal. 

Charging for Premium Telehealth

We will begin charging for Premium Telehealth effective 2/15/2024. Practice Admins can select between Basic or Premium Telehealth from the Telehealth Settings page.

Premium Telehealth is a practice-wide option. Meaning, if the practice selects Premium Telehealth then all Clinicians who utilize Telehealth are upgraded to Premium. Premium Telehealth is $20/month per clinician who utilizes Telehealth. Practices will automatically not be billed for clinicians who don't use Telehealth. This upgrade is billed at the same time as your TherapyNotes subscription and will be listed as a separate line item.

As a reminder, in addition to all the Basic features, here's what's included in your Premium Telehealth upgrade:

  • Premium telehealth calls support up to 16 participants on a call together, seamlessly integrating with Group Therapy appointments. Basic is limited to 2 participants (including the clinician).
  • Screensharing in Premium allows any user in the call to share their screen. In Basic, only the clinician can share their screen.
  • Premium calls support blurred or custom backgrounds.

  • Premium calls offer high-definition video, regardless of the number of participants, bandwidth permitting. If one user's bandwidth is poor, it does not affect overall call quality.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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