What's New: Expanded Contact Names & Consultation Note Date Range

By TherapyNotes, LLC on May 2, 2024

Expanded Contact Name Fields 

The Contact Name for patient contacts has been separated into First, Middle, and Last names. Additionally, we've introduced new fields for Title and Suffix. Existing patient contact names have been automatically parsed into those fields, ensuring no changes to how pre-existing names are displayed. This change was also made to the Emergency & Other Contacts form.


When billing for a client covered under someone else's insurance policy, you can now include a policyholder suffix when entering a new insurance policy on the billing settings page. Once entered, the insured person's suffix will be displayed on a CMS-1500 or in the claim details. For example, if the policyholder is "Sr" their name would be reported as "John Doe Sr" in electronic claims or on a CMS-1500. 


Consultation Note Date Range

We've added the ability to specify when a Consultation Note covers a range of service dates. In the Note Content section, you can provide a custom date range or select from one of our predefined options. Once the note is signed, the provided date range will be included on the associated electronic claim, and you'll then see the range reflected as multiple dates when viewing claim details. Any reports, such as the Revenue Report, will utilize the date within the note header of the Consultation Note itself, not the date range. 


* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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